– Electronic product tank level control.
With this system the double aeration/ de-aeration float tanks are no longer required and so there is no more risk of contamination, maintenance and / or manual intervention of product regulation. This offers accurate level and pressure control which is directly related to your filling performance.
For machines equipped with or without closed CIP returns we offer two different types of distributers for cost effective conversions to ELC.
– Conversion to closed CIP return.
For machines constructed without return facilities this system means no more cleaning-agent losses.
– Automatic bottle burst flushing.
No more manual activation of water showers in case of bottle bursts which ensures timeous and accurate spray of effective area and minimises the risk of glass fragmentation.
– Under-fill activation/detection
With this system the desired burst affected bottles before and after are not filled to correct fill height. These bottles can be positively removed or ejected due to the under-fill created and this ensures no risk of possible fragment contamination. This means no more slowing down and stopping of the machine to remove possible contaminated bottles during bottle bursts. This system can also be introduced with your full bottle inspection machines. Also considerable product savings especially on larger packages can be expected.
– Filling valve conversions.
In case of machines equipped with a 4mm diameter air-return, this is to be converted to a 5mm return which will give an increased filling speed of approximately 17 %.
For any filling problems you might have due to packages changes etc., we can perform the tests in-house in order to propose the correct outflow, sealing, spray and return tubes that will be suitable for your conditions.
For older valves with Bronze lever shaft assemblies we offer conversions to Stainless steel.
– Hansa A type lift cylinders.
Conversions to Stainless steel types.
– Bottle feeder parts.
Required parts necessary for handling of your new packages.
– Electrical upgrades.
Conversions to Siemens S7 control with touch screens.
Glass to PET conversions.